Two of the men assumed leadership as they had previous experience fencing. I was so impressed with the cooperation and team spirit shown by the group. They were so efficient, we only worked about 4 hours until running out of wire. Then we took a great 3 hour canoe and kayak trip to view seals around the corner of the island.
Often I will hear a comment that shows the impact of these retreats. We made our own lunch in the field with great rolls, ham and cheese, and produce and trimmings from the existing garden. As we were doing so I overheard one of the men say, "I can't believe it, I have control of my own sandwich."
At the evening campfires,the men were open to my discussions how important a sense of belonging is, and the importance and role of spiritual disciplines. All the men expressed an interest in returning and three men will be going over this week as volunteers working on the farm and enjoying some recreation.
We have starting planning to hold what I am calling "The Next Step." Those in any stage of recovery will be invited for four nights, and five days. I will help them assess where they could take the next steps in their recovery. One of the goals will be grieving and recovering lost potential and moving past the losses of addiction. There will be an emphasis on Psych-Ed in the mornings and group process in the afternoons and evenings. The groups will also have access to kayaking, archery, hiking, and time to reflect and do written exercises in the beautiful and serene setting of Fircom. We will have a nurse present in case anyone goes through traumatic withdrawal during the week. Both groups are writing for grants to finance these events.
Please keep this in your thoughts and prayers. If you would like to see an outline of the "Next Step" process drop me an email and I will be glad to send it to you.
I'm loving the work God has given you to do, brother. I'm supporting you in the Lord. Don't ever lose heart, friend.