The majority of people seeking help initially go to their rabbi, priest, or pastor. (clergy 41%, MD 29%, Psychiatrist/Psychologist 21%, Social Service Agency 18%)
Many pastors and other church leaders are not trained to deal with addiction holistically as a bio/psycho/social/spiritual malady. Only 12.5 % report any specific training for addiction.
Most addicts don’t have the resources to access private treatment, and State and Federal budget cuts are drastically targeting public mental health and nonprofit addiction treatment.
The church has a mandate to help those dislocated from society through poverty and addiction. A church trained to address addictions becomes the ideal spiritual /cultural / psychosocial community for recovery.
My recent Doctor of Ministry dissertation A Faith Based Integrated Recovery Program: From Addiction to New Identity was written to address this training directly.
Whereas in Vancouver BC:
The largest population of intravenous drug addicts and alcoholics in North America are homeless in the Downtown Eastside (DTES). Although a number of agencies are attempting to address the problem, the most visible and active is the First United Church. They currently have daily contact with over 500 individuals providing meals and social services as well as sleeping up to 350 at night. I have been invited to join their staff as a “Called Partner” and Chaplain to present an evangelical voice in their inclusive faith community and eventually help establish a faith based recovery program.
I will help co-ordinate efforts and offer training to visiting church groups, theological students, and secular agencies by addressing the specific spiritual / social / cultural needs of those recovering from addiction and helping them to belong and become functional members of society. Coordinating First United's outreach efforts will empower these groups to serve others dislocated from society due to addiction and poverty. This will help facilitate social and spiritual transformation of other marginalized urban areas.
I am sensing a call on my life to integrate my theological training with thirty years of counseling serving those suffering from addiction as a “Called Partner” at First United Church. Of course, this is dependent on continuing my own spiritual growth and clean and sober living. First United Church is a “Pastoral Charge.” As a “Called Partner” I will be responsible for my own financial needs. My accountability financially and spiritually will be to Redeemer’s Fellowship in Roseburg OR as well as First United. My prayer is this opportunity to not only deliver services, but to train others will be the fruition of my life's learning and contribution as a Christian.
MISSION STATEMENT: to serve as a Called Partner and Chaplain at First United Church in Vancouver, B.C., commissioned by Redeemer’s Fellowship in Roseburg OR to teach and train in the First United Community and with visitors including theology students, and church groups desiring to serve those marginalized from society from alcohol and drug addiction. By example I will disciple others to follow Jesus using His gospel of grace expressed through my experience as an ordained minister, certified alcohol and drug counselor and qualified mental health professional. The mission is"...to preach the good news to the poor, He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted..."(Isaiah 61:1)
I. Leveraging Addiction Recovery:
A. Guidance:
1. Supervise leadership of First United’s “Dug Out,” a coffee shop ministry catering to those struggling with addiction in the Downtown Eastside (DTES).
2. Coordinate with local AA chapters to host meetings at the Dug Out and offer 12 step Sponsorship to those from the DTES and First United community. Local church groups will also be encouraged to participate.
B. Development:
1. Helping develop First United strategies and responses to address the needs of those struggling with addiction to alcohol and other drugs within the DTES.
2. Work with Directors and other staff to integrate our thinking and actions with wider initiatives in the DTES recovery centers, half way houses, etc).
3. Developing relationships with local churches, educational institutions and agencies to provide support for those needing help to integrate into the larger community and providing staff training in addiction and recovery.
4. Helping develop an integrated faith based program for the planned treatment facility in new church building being considered.
C. Participate in the regular Care Management review meetings to inform and align with the Care Plans developed for specific individuals who are part of the First United Community.
II. Chaplain:
A. Providing one to one conversations with community members “on the floor in the building” as well as those in First United’s formal housing units to explore ways to make sense of their lives / circumstances, and find meaning within their own value / faith perspective.
B. Providing an exposure to the ministry of First United Church for groups, students and others churches interested in facilitating social and spiritual transformation of marginalized urban areas.
C. Lead Worship Services, Bible Study, formal reflection, and celebration times.
D. Participate in “Inclusive Spiritual Conversations” with other staff and community.
E. Develop and lead regular grief workshops.