One time gifts will be used for regular monthly expenses, or put in savings for possible financially stressed months or emergencies.
Regular monthly giving, regardless of the amount will sustain this mission. These can be sent to Redeemer's Fellowship, make sure you note on the check it goes to my account. (see address at the bottom of this page)
To make this more convenient, consider using your debit or credit card, or have the regular amount sent from your checking account at the Redeemer's Fellowship website.Once you set up an account, click on "Giving" and the "Click Here To Give Now" button. From that page you can set the Designated Fund to "Offering - Ross Banister" and fill out the form as to how you would like to donate.
Mail-in Donations
Make Redeemer's Fellowship the payee to assure tax deduction for your donations.
Please include my name to assure proper credit to my account.
Redeemer’s Fellowship
729 S.E. Jackson Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
(541) 672-0090
Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support!