VANCOUVER is the most expensive city in N. America
Average Car insurance: $1,989.99 per year
Gasoline is $2.00 more per gallon, milk $5.50 per gallon.
The average rentals in Vancouver are $1,500 per month
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Gasoline is $2.00 more per gallon, milk $5.50 per gallon.
The average rentals in Vancouver are $1,500 per month
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Due to the high cost of living in Vancouver, I will be living in my 5th Wheel RV near the US / Canada border in Birch Bay, Washington
Due to the high cost of living in Vancouver, I will be living in my 5th Wheel RV near the US / Canada border in Birch Bay, Washington
Commuting 38 miles to the church in Vancouver is time consuming, but much more economical. For example, the rent at an RV park in North Vancouver is $800 per month (plus electricity), and in South Vancouver $600 (plus electricity). In Blaine I am living in a park for $230 (plus electricity. I have been able to pay off my car, truck, and RV in preparation for this journey.
I have a NEXUS pass that allows passing through a special lane of traffic at the border avoiding long and time consuming lines at other gates. The 38 mile commute can be made in a little over an hour when avoiding rush hours.
RV Park monthly rent........................$ 280.00
Electricity & Propane ........................$ 100.00
Internet and Cable TV.........................$ 50.00
Telephone (International Plan)............$ 150.00
Vehicle Maintenance, repairs..............$ 100.00
Insurance (Car, Truck, RV, Life)...........$ 150.00
Gas, Tolls, Parking (78 mile commute)$ 450.00
Health & Medical Costs.....................$ 200.00
Groceries, Eating Out, Networking......$ 400.00
Taxes...............................................$ 350.00
Books, Journals, Office Supplies.........$ 50.00
Clothing, Laundry, Sundry Items..........$ 50.00
Retirement (repay personal funds).......$ 300.00
Giving...............................................$ 300.00
Miscellaneous...................................$ 150.00
Total Estimated Monthly Expenses: $ 3,200.00 ($ 38,400.00 yearly)
Current Income (Social Security) $ 1,400.00 ($ 16,800.00 yearly)
Needed Monthly Additional Income: $1,800. ($21,600.00 yearly)
(Currently $1,500 per month has been pledged which is 83%)
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