DTES is the site of the most IV drug users in North America. The other day at the church I noticed this poster. Note the reference to Insite, one of the most controversial programs in North America.
Then I noticed another poster with a facial picture of a native woman in her late 30’s. It identified her by name and noted she was a “mother, wife, daughter, and sister to many” followed by “May She Rest in Peace.” Just then another woman about the same age noticed it too, and called her friend to “Come and See.” The friend noted flatly, “I saw her last week and she was hardly using any more!” One of the symptoms of advanced addiction is oblivion with little concern whether one lives or dies.
There are relevant articles about Insite on this blog as you scroll down near the bottom of the educational link at http://rossbanister.blogspot.com/p/resources.html Note particularly the statistics on interventions. Please post any comments you might have.